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Riskboss Alert

Riskboss™ ( often receives alerts from the police services, government authorities and other agencies that may be of interest to residential condominium property managers and boards of directors. Riskboss offers periodic alerts to institutions, organizations, commercial and condominium property managers and board members to assist in identifying risk to the communities and to provide solutions to mitigate that risk. Riskboss hopes the following information assists you. Please feel free to distribute this document to other property managers and community based associations that may benefit from the content. Please contact us any time with any issue that you may want researched regarding crime, disorder and risk.

Since 2015, The Toronto Police Service have issued security alerts educating the public about the weakness of the standard fire safety plan boxes when used for buildings keys. The corners of the fire safety plan box are the weakest part enabling anyone to pull the box open and retrieve keys and access fobs to the building. Fire Safety Plan Boxes were never designed to maintain keys and access fobs. No keys or access fobs should ever be stored in Fire Safety Plan Box.

As an example of what can happen, Riskboss wants to alert all property management firms that on June 14, 2023, a thief entered a condominium vestibule and stole the fire safety plan, access fob, and keys to the common areas of the site. The thief now has the floor plans of the site and the means to access all areas. The event took sixty seconds.

Police have the vehicle license number of this thief and are continuing to investigate. An arrest is pending.

Risk Rating: High


  • Riskboss recommends a change to the configuration of Fire Plan Boxes restricting the contents to only to include the Fire Safety Plan and nothing else
  • Riskboss recommends a separate Fire Service Key Box (or Knox Box where approved) for access fobs and commercial master keys to be located at the building entrances
  • Riskboss recommends moving the Fire Safety Plan Box to the outer lobby main door at the entry control panel for the site

Riskboss recommends the fire safety box shown in the picture.

Download the alert today: Riskboss Alert