Risky Business – Andy Code & Trespass Authorizations
How do you ensure that you get the best out of your local police?
Here are two ways to help the police assist you to reduce crime and disorder in your high-rise community and respond quicker to emergencies. Contact your local police through the Office of the Chief of Police and ask for both these programs. You will be glad you did.
Riskboss has been alerting property management companies of a relatively new program developed by the Toronto Police Service. Allowing police into condominium and apartment communities for anything other than an emergency or a search/arrest warrant can have unintended legal ramifications with respect to privacy. In real life emergency situations; however, seconds count.
Allowing emergency responders to gain immediate access through the main entrance has distinct and real benefits to residential high-rise communities. The Andy Code Program is an excellent idea created by a Toronto police officer and can be implemented at your site relatively quickly and easily. The program can only be used during emergencies and all access is tracked through the Toronto Police Service Communications Centre.
There is no cost for this program, but the results are significant.
Read more about how the program works.